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Iphone Bed

The objective for this project was to create a new product
from single-wall corrugated cardboard (E-flute), a cellphone,
and a custom app to enhance an everyday moment
(waking up every morning.) 

Waking up in the morning is a battle fought by most which is lost more than won. When I asked friends and family about the toughest part about waking up, almost everyone

said their lack of motivation contributed to improperly waking up. Taking this struggle

into consideration, I created a phone bed and app to enhance users’ morning experiences.

Inspired by the whimsical elements of the moon, the crescent shape of the phone bed provides a curved base to facilitate motion.

The phone easily slides into the harness while weighing down the top of the structure. The user can then push the other side of the moon to see the phone which then launches an app directly to its customized wake up screen.

The small compact design and fun interactive qualities make this phone bed useable

for anyone that finds themselves needing motivation to wake up in the morning.

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